Archive for July, 2008

Welcome to my Blog!

Friday, July 11th, 2008

Welcome to my Blog! The Blog is designed to be a series of recorded observations  where I would like to share my perceptions with others. Topics may include: What’s happening in the contemporary world of management – e.g. the effect that the Recession is having on Managers and Leaders The Future of Work – what the […]

Content was very useful - good introduction to theories, balanced with lots of practical learning'

'Robert was a very skilled trainer/presenter- good mix of delivery/listening and very helpful and knowledgeable'

'Good introduction...Content was very useful, theories were balanced with lots of practical learning' 'Robert was a very skilled trainer, there was a good mix of delivering and learning on his behalf'

'Very knowledgeable'

'It provided useful tools and has put things in context. Very practical - he really knows his stuff!'

Wouter Van EE, Head of Business Operations, Panasonic Mobile Communications Development of Europe Ltd

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